Privacy by design
We give the small lines at the bottom of texts their rightful place, because respect for privacy is a fundamental right and a key purpose of MiTrust.

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Understanding privacy policies is crucial in today's data-driven world. At MiTrust, we value clarity and ease your need in compliance management. Our Privacy Policy is meticulously crafted to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of data handling practices, enabling you to maintain data stewardship and make well-informed decisions for your business operations.

Turn data minimization into an effective asset

MiTrust transforms how businesses approach data collection by championing the principle of 'less is more', as set in the data minimization principle of GDPR regulation. Our platform enables you to request only the data you really need, enhancing efficiency and respecting user privacy. Being more savvy in your data requests, you let your users feel that you respect and value their privacy.

User empowerment:
“User data, user decision”

MiTrust reinvents data governance for businesses. We provide the necessary tools to ensure that customers make informed decisions about their data, fostering trust in the way you handle their processing.

Uncompromised privacy:
“No storage, no reading”

MiTrust is dedicated to absolute privacy in data transactions. We don't store client data; Any user data collected in a transaction is deleted after a couple of minutes from our servers. Our role is purely to facilitate secure data exchanges. This commitment ensures the utmost respect for user privacy, maintaining data integrity and trust.

One to one privacy:
“For each user, the right data set”

Partner with MiTrust and bid farewell to the inefficiencies associated with the cumbersome management of documents that burn your fingers and the headache of collecting data you shouldn't know or retain. We provide you with only the data you need: accurate and authentic information that respect user privacy, collected directly from reliable sources.

Privacy is also security:
”MiTrust, my security”

Employing advanced encryption and regular security audits performed by certified agencies and respected security squads of large banks and insurance companies, we do our utmost to ensure that your business transactions are safeguarded against evolving digital threats, strengthening the trust in our ecosystem.

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Exploring privacy policies can feel overwhelming, but at MiTrust, we're dedicated to making it simple for you. We believe in transparency and giving you full insight and control over your data. Our Privacy Policy is designed to be clear and user-friendly, so you can easily understand how your data is handled and make choices that are right for you.

Our motto:
”Share less, share smarter”

In this digital age where data is everywhere, MiTrust champions your right to share selectively and smartly. Our platform is a game-changer, giving you the freedom to share only the essentials which are really necessary to get the services you request. With MiTrust, take charge of your digital footprint, sharing data on your terms.

You are in control on what you share

MiTrust makes very explicit of what happens with your data. It's about empowering you to transparently see what your trusted providers and institutions already know about you and make deliberate choices if you want to share such information or not. Our ethos? You command what aspect of who you really are, can  be shared.

We neither store nor reuse your data

MiTrust's commitment to privacy means your data is never stored and will never be reused for another purpose than the one you accepted to share. We act merely as a secure channel, ensuring your personal information remains strictly yours. This approach provides the peace of mind that your data is always private and solely in your control.

You share only what is really necessary

MiTrust ensures that when businesses request your data, they receive only what's needed for a specific purpose. This precision in data sharing means your privacy is respected, and only pertinent information is exchanged, making every transaction efficient and secure.

Your data are secured by the highest security standards

MiTrust vigilantly guards your data during the transaction with advanced encryption and cybersecurity, ensuring secure data transfers. Our relentless focus on security means your personal information is protected in the digital realm, giving you peace of mind.

MiTrust complies with the highest worldwide standards on data privacy and trust economy:

MiTrust enables the implementation of key principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
MiTrust is registered with ARCEP and the European Data Intermediation Services Registry as a Data Intermediation Service Provider (PSID) under the code PSID_FR_2024_03.
MiTrust is registered with the ACPR as an Account Information Service Provider (AISP), under number 17368.

Could there be any more questions?

How does MiTrust ensure user privacy protection?

MiTrust protects user privacy by allowing them to control their data sharing, ensuring process transparency, and strictly adhering to data protection regulations.

Is MiTrust's service free for users?

Yes, MiTrust's service is free for users, although some Online Services may integrate MiTrust into their paid offerings.

Which data can MiTrust or Online Services access?

With explicit user consent to collect a specified list of personal data from a defined source, MiTrust collects the said data. In a second consent, and after viewing them, the user can decide whether to share them with the Online Service or not. In all cases, only the data for which the user has given consent is retrieved and shared by MiTrust

Can users withdraw their consent at any time on MiTrust?

Yes. During the transaction, users can decide to interrupt it at any time during the MiTrust journey. Subsequently, if the information has been shared with the Online Service, users can directly request the Online Service to exercise their right to erasure of their data.

How does MiTrust use the collected personal data?

MiTrust uses personal data only for purposes consented to by users, like checking a borrower's solvency or the verification of a user's identity.

How does MiTrust retrieve personal user data?

MiTrust collects personal data directly from trusted sources, with the explicit mandate of the user, under his full control.

Does MiTrust store any user data?

No, MiTrust does not store any personal data. As soon as the data sharing transaction has been completed through MiTrust, and even if the end user has collected his data from the source with Mitrust but decides not to share them with the Online Service, MiTrust deletes all user data.

How can users be sure MiTrust does not keep login credentials?

As much as possible, MiTrust avoids collecting user credentials. In order to collect the personal user data from the chosen source, we favor connexions through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) whereby the user inputs his credentials directly into the interface of the chosen data source. In case such method is not available and should MiTrust collect part or all of user credentials to access the data source on his behalf, such credentials are systematically encrypted upon entry, are NEVER shared with anybody in a readable form, and are erased as soon as the connection has been performed. These commitments are regularly audited by an external auditor certified by the French National Agency for Security of Information Systems, as well as the security squads of large financial institutions using MiTrust for their own services.

Does MiTrust share user data with third parties?

No, MiTrust does NOT share the collected user data with any other party than the one for which the user has given his consent during the MiTrust transaction.

Contact-us for any other question


Could there be any more questions?