Online betting

Offer the best player account opening experience with authentic user data

Streamlined player onboarding
Enhanced regulatory compliance
Instant full player account creation

Open a player account

Request the tenant applicant data you need
Tenant applicant shares their data using MiTrust
User profile picture
Vivian Ward
Data shared and checked
Vivian Ward
42 years old
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 125 hs
1012 Amsterdam NL
Bank account details
NL91 ABNA •••• •••• •••• •••• •••
Powered by MiTrust

Revolutionizing Player Account Creation

MiTrust is transforming the online betting and gaming industry by streamlining player account openings. Our innovative solution ensures quick, secure, and compliant account setup, enhancing the player experience right from the start.

What you get

Fast and efficient account creation
Secure verification of player details
Compliance with gaming regulations
Enhanced player data privacy
Simplified user experience, increasing player satisfaction

Bet on trust,
with authentic player data and streamlined processes.

Quick Account Setup

Players can create their accounts swiftly, enhancing their initial experience and encouraging immediate engagement with your platform.

Secure Data Handling

Ensures robust protection of player information, fostering trust and reliability in your service, which is crucial in retaining player loyalty.

Regulatory Adherence

MiTrust aligns perfectly with gaming and betting regulations, simplifying compliance management and reducing legal risks.

Player Satisfaction

A user-friendly process significantly improves the overall player experience, leading to higher satisfaction and retention rates.

Efficient Operations

Streamlines the backend processes for operators, reducing time spent on administrative tasks, and allowing more focus on core business activities.

Data Accuracy

Offers reliable and accurate player information, crucial for personalized marketing efforts and improving service delivery.

They are betting on trust every day.

MiTrust enables quick, cost-effective verification of new clients so they can start betting immediately.

Paul Klomp
General Director
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A platform built on trust

Be ahead of your competitors

Revolutionize your customer journey by proposing MiTrust user experience.
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Be a champion of data privacy

Empower transparency: invite your users to share only the data needed – nothing less, nothing more.
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Offer your users the best data-sharing experience now
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